I expect to be renewed over and again during this trip. I didn't realize how bad I need it.
My new friend Giovanni called to wish me well. We have been through a fair bit together recently.This weekend I was doing insane labor on my basement with my cousin Mark. We were cutting out concrete for two new windows. So loud noise and dust were had by all. Gio stopped by to drop off a belated house warming gift: two six packs from my favorite Saskatchewan micro brewery. He left them in the back yard where he and his daughter had a bad encounter with my dog.
Gio was trying to get his daughter to pet our nervous dog. Our dog bit her face and she required three stitches.
We're seriously considering getting rid of our dog of seven years. It's a hard decision.
But Gio is adamant that this was his fault: being in our fenced yard and pushing a nervous dog and kid. Meanwhile, he's giving me beer and inviting us over for dinner when I return. I guess he's not harboring bitterness over this.
Last week we had coffee at the building he works at. It's the coolest building in River Dog. I am convinced he is ripe for change with the creator.
He's looking for a change.
Lord, I am a willing vessel. This is in your hands.