I've been real tired of my job. My boss is mildly tolerable at best. He usually throws at least one childish tantrum a day. And sometimes they are due to me. I carry on. Quietly. Even though I have mentally checked out of this gig and operating on auto-pilot.
I await for another gig. Or my life's calling. Music. Prophetic ranting. Whatever. It'll happen. I'm sure.
One of the primary reasons I don't enjoy working for this guy 100% is that I feel like some dumb little kid. He never tells me anything.
I never know what's coming ahead.
For example: If I knew what job we were going to do that day, I'd know what tools to load up. Instead. I have to sit and wait for orders. Load this. Pick up that.
If I could see the big picture, I could save us all kinds of time and create an orderly operation.
This is in part because my boss is a horrible leader and communicator. He's use to being a solo operation. So it goes.
I also suspect that by keeping me in the dark, it gives him a feeling of power. Hey, if you need power by creating inefficiency and keeping me down, knock yourself out.
I think he may also be slightly threatened by me. I play music, have a loving family, and spend time with them. He works. Non-stop. Even in the evenings and weekends. He has no life.
So the other day, I ask the creator why I feel like I have blinders on all the time with this job.
I heard him say, "this is what you must do to follow me right now. You're not going to see the big picture yet. You must look forward and trust me".
Well. damn.
I'll do it lord. I'll do it.
auto-pilot...yes I know about that.
ReplyDeleteWell. damn.