He had been praying for me. For ME mind you, as his own six year old son with severe health issues lied at death's door. Thankfully, his son's health turned around for the better last I've heard.
As he prayed for me, he felt as though the creator gave him a picture of a corner. As in, I would be turning a corner soon.
I've been hanging on to this word for the last two weeks or so. It's all I've got, in addition to a whole host of miracles and testimonies that brought us here to River Dog in the first place.
I have never awaited the coming of Spring like I have this year. A Saskatchewan Winter will do that to you.
In Texas, March means everything starts turning green immediately. It's mostly weeds, but green weeds none the less.
Here, March means everything is still white. Just like it's been since November when my plane landed from my return trip to Texas.
But I'm starting to see LESS white.
Ice is melting in the street, revealing the long forgotten asphalt. Less WHITE, more ASPHALT! WOO-HOO.
Like Joshua (in the bible book of the same name), I am holding on to courage. God gave us this town. This land. This whole gig is not a fluke. Provision and purpose will arrive in due time.
A corner will be turned. I am sure of it.
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