This was not my expected course of action. But I couldn't come up with a solid reason from the creator to not accept this job.
My final condition upon acceptance was that I couldn't start immediately as I am in the final throws of finishing our basement renos, possibly 1-2 weeks. They were OK with the delay. So that was my confirmation of sorts to accept this job.
It's a fairly responsible job as it will be my duty to manage the whole yard and load shipments with 100% accuracy. Many lumber shipments are headed up north into extremely remote locations in the Province where a $50 box of nails would cost the local contractor $250. So there's a little pressure. But I hope to hand it to the lord and not fret after hours.
And I suppose there is a small chance something better could show up in the next week or two since I haven't signed any papers, etc
The thought of having a full time job for the first time in twelve years scares the hell out of me. It'll be a huge culture shock. But what's new...
Thank you all for praying and for your wisdom and guidance.
Such great news! Congrats man!