Well, I may have one.
A guy called me Thursday night asking if I was looking for a job. He got my name and number from his son-in-law, who was one of the contractors I called a month ago when looking for work.
This guy does mostly home reno stuff, drywall, shingling, whatever. He operates a three man crew. He has steady work year round, been in business for twenty years, and doesn't advertise as all of his work comes from word of mouth. He pays slightly better than the lumber yard pays me, and that could change after one month. The lumber yard was going to take six months for any pay increase.
And more importantly, it's the kind of work and life that I want to do.
That lumber yard job never sat right with me. There's a lot of crazy stuff going on in the background. The owner of the operation has to be one of the biggest crooks I've ever heard of. There's way too many rumors around town about that guy.
I'm supposed to let the home reno guy know by Monday night, and I could start the following Monday. So again, prayers for wisdom are appreciated.
Then I'll have to diplomatically bow out of the lumber yard gig. Which might be tricky since the manager absolutely loves me.
It won't break my heart to say bye, though.
So, if this new home reno work is meant to be, I wonder why the creator allowed me to go into this job I hated.
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