I spent a whopping four days at the local lumber yard. And both my wife and I wonder what that was about. Was it a fluke? Was it meant to be? Was I supposed to stay there and tough it out regardless of everything I felt in my spirit about that gig?
Then I remembered the dream I had a while back about getting a spiritual overview of this region. Well, this job may have lasted four days. But I got a behind the scenes close up of a very dark corner of this society.
The founder and current owner of the local lumber yard has one of the worst reputations in River Dog. More than once people who learned I worked in construction and remodeling warned me to stay away from him. The owner is a multi-millionaire who made his vast fortune from humble roots by screwing everyone he crosses, so it seems.
Another home remodel business owner whom I met with and wanted to work for (but didn't happen - another story on how the creator was protecting me) said he was screwed out of $38,000 from the lumber yard owner. This info was volunteered without his knowing I was in the running for a job with that lumber company.
Based on mass rumor, here-say, and my own hands-on job, the lumber yard owner is partnered up with several native band chiefs in various operations to screw those far northern bands out of their government funded housing materials or something. He has vast business deals in selling lumber to dry bands while slipping in crates of booze to get the sale, etc.
I don't know all the details and don't want to know. But it was my job to load the trucks that headed up north.
I got a clear overview of certain aspects of the relations between the white man and the native.
This is a dark place. Lord, guide me.
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